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Thank you for your support

Yes, I'd like to support Chesterton Academy!
Your tax-deductible gift makes the Chesterton Academy of Albuquerque possible. Our school aims to educate young people in the virtues of Truth, Goodness and Beauty. Your donations will lend to the formation of future leaders and saints. Please donate today and assist us in delivering affordable, classical education taught through the lens of the Catholic faith and rooted in joy.
The Founding 100 fundraising campaign
The first 100 donors will have their name engraved on a plaque that will hang in our school in perpetuity.
Don't have $1,000? No Problem. Have families and friends donate smaller amounts to you, and when you have collected $1,000, send it to us for your Family's name to be placed on the "Founding 100" Plaque.
Founding 100

The Founding
Electronic Giving
Mail in your Donation
#1 Make payments directly with PayPal
Make a one-time or recurring online donation payable to:
Chesterton Academy of Albuquerque

#2 If you don't want to use PayPal
Make a one-time or recurring online donation payable to:
Chesterton Academy of Albuquerque

#3 If you prefer to mail in your Donation:
Please make donations payable to: Chesterton Academy of Albuquerque
mail to: P.O. Box 25771
Albuquerque NM 87125-57717
For more information about making a donation:
please contact us at
Donate Now
Chesterton Academy schools are parent-founded and led schools. We families, as the Ecclesia Domestica, are called to be the first educators of our children. Who better, than a team of parents, to raise up a school to form souls and minds to love, know and serve God and His Church. If you are interested in helping us with your time and talent, please contact us. This is an exciting time to create a legacy that will educate bright young minds for generations to come. We are in need of several areas of expertise such as administration, accounting, marketing, media, fundraising, athletics, and more.
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