Our Model of Education
Inspired by Saint Pope John Paul II, we take as our motto Cultura Vitae, the culture of life. We make it our mission to prepare our students to triumph over the materialism and despair that pervade our culture and to accept our Lord's offer to have life and have it abundantly. Our classical curriculum combines a broad, liberal arts education with a strong emphasis on the development of Christian virtues and an appreciation of beauty. Through our Three Pillars Model, we form our students in:

We teach the classics of Western thought from physics to philosophy, and the interrelationship of the great ideas; teaching students not merely what to think but how to think.

We help students grow in the four cardinal virtues of prudence, temperance, fortitude and justice, which we believe are the foundation of leadership.

Our students come to understand and embrace the truth of why they exist: to know God, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world and be happy with Him forever in the next.

Chesterton Academy is named for the great English writer and Catholic convert, G.K. Chesterton (1874- 1936). Chesterton is a model for our school because he exemplified the Catholic faith through a life filled with joy, wonder, and gratitude.
Chesterton was considered one of the world’s most outstanding men of letters in the early 20th century. An accomplished essayist, novelist, and poet, he wrote a hundred books on all different subjects. In 1922, he shocked the literary establishment by converting to Catholicism. He was later eulogized by Pope Pius XI as “a gifted defender of the faith,” and there is presently a popular movement to have him canonized. The school has chosen him for its patron because he not only represents the fullness of faith and reason, but also Catholic joy and common sense.
Chesterton Academy of Albuquerque is part of the Chesterton Schools Network based in Minneapolis. A collaborative venture of the American Chesterton Society and Chesterton Academy, the Chesterton Schools Network aims to inspire and encourage parent-led Catholic schools across the nation. The Network offers consulting services; templates for evaluating interest and operating a school; and the Chesterton Academy curriculum framework.

Our Faculty

William Nourse -
Mr. Nourse is an ardent follower of the Catholic faith and is a strong supporter of the Chesterton network school model. He has a strong classical background which includes graduate studies in foreign languages and has taught at the high school and collegiate level. He is excited to lead the students spiritually and help our school continue to flourish.

Steven Woodbury -
Choir I, II & Adv.
Steven Woodbury joined the Chesterton Faculty in the 2021 academic year. He is also the Director of Liturgy & Music for St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Rio Rancho. Steven is an accomplished Organist and has established various choirs from singing chant, choral, children's and Contemporary Worship music. During Christmas and Easter Solemn Mass Liturgies he conducts the parish liturgical choir with a full professional orchestra and guest opera vocalist. Steven grew up in Albuquerque where he attended St. Francis Xavier, St. Mary's, and St. Pius X. He received his bachelor degree of Music Education and Organ/choral pedagogy from the University of New Mexico. He is involved with the Archdioceses of Santa Fe in many Liturgical masses including as Cantor/Keyboardist for the Weekly Televised Mass for the shut-ins. His goals for the Chesterton Students is to foster the Basic Fundamentals of vocal choral music and lead the students to experience the art of singing traditional catholic music.

Tania Hake -
Mrs. Hake received her B.S.E. and M.S. degrees in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Florida. She worked for almost nine years as an engineer at Sandia National Laboratories before raising her two daughters, including homeschooling them for a portion of their education. Mrs. Hake has taught a variety of classes for many years in Catholic homeschool co-ops, and taught middle school math for a year at a local Catholic K-8th school. She volunteers as a math tutor for former students. Mrs. Hake believes strongly in the Chesterton School model. She is thrilled to have the opportunity to contribute to students' success at Chesterton Academy of Albuquerque, in the context of our beautiful Catholic Faith.

Cynthia Roberson -
Cynthia received a Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Anthropology and Philosophy from the University of New Mexico. After Mrs. Roberson achieved her undergraduate degree,she interned for the United States Catholic Bishops (USCCB) anti-poverty program, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD). Through the USCCB internship, she taught Catholics across the Archdiocese of Santa Fe the subject of Catholic social teaching (CST) and established multiple committee discussions regarding pertinent social justice issues. Mrs. Roberson utilized her bilingual abilities and educated about 300 youths and 40 adults from English and Spanish speaking Catholic communities. It was through her experience with CCHD, that she discovered her passion for teaching. She sought to teach at Chesterton Academy, because she believes Chesterton's classical curriculum and culture is truly designed to instruct and guide our younger Catholic generation into Sainthood."

Rebecca Duman -
Rebecca Duman is delighted to be a part of the faculty of Chesterton Academy. Born and raised in Albuquerque, Mrs. Duman recognizes the impact her Catholic education has had on her life. She is a strong proponent of classical education and is thrilled by the opportunity to help students along their faith journey. After graduating from Saint Pius X High School, Mrs. Duman attended Eastern New Mexico University where she earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre and a Master of Education. After returning to Albuquerque, she received a Master of Business Administration from the University of New Mexico. Mrs. Duman is an active member of Our Lady of the Annunciation Church where she coordinates Vacation Bible School and facilitates the Ministry of Moms Support group. She and her husband, John Paul, have three young children.

Dan Noyes -
Art & Art History
Mr. Noyes received his BAFA in Photography from UNM. He has done extensive post graduate work in Printmaking and Art History. He has worked in education for decades while working as a staff member and faculty member at UNM,CNM, and Menaul School. He has taught art in Elementary, Middle School and at UNM Continuing Ed.A lifelong Catholic,he is happy to join Chesterton Academy of Albuquerque and is most impressed with the Curriculum, students and families,collegial faculty and the host parish of Queen of Heaven.

Andrea Madrid -
History & Spanish
Andrea Madrid graduated from the University of New Mexico with dual Bachelor of Arts degrees in Psychology and Spanish. She is a dedicated teacher who is passionate about Ignatian prayer and inspired by St. Teresa of Calcutta. She has taught in public high school and at Catholic homeschool co-ops since 2010. She is grateful for the opportunity to teach Spanish and History through our Catholic faith at Chesterton Academy. Her favorite scripture verse is Isaiah 41:10.

Jim Lyle -
Jim Lyle earned a B.A. in Philosophy from the University of Texas at Austin, an M.B.A. in Finance from the University of New Mexico, and is currently pursuing a Masters degree in Philosophy at Holy Apostles College. Jim has been managing his family business for the last 20 years. He taught high school theology and philosophy for three years at the Cor Ardens Academy and has taught Confirmation at Holy Child Parish in Tijeras for 12 years. He previously served as team lead for the Weekends for the Engaged marriage preparation ministry for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe and continues to serve on the team. Along with his wife, Jim gives Theology of the Body and Natural Family Planning promotional talks throughout the archdiocese. He believes that Chesterton's Catholic, classical model can form students who will be able to realize in their lives the words of Pope St. John Paul II: "Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth."

Kylene Molley -
Kylene Molley is thrilled to join Chesterton Academy of Albuquerque to teach chemistry. After earning a B.S. and M.S. in Chemical Engineering from UNM, she worked at Sandia National Laboratories for 11 years, until her 4 th child was born. At that time, she stayed home to care for her family. A strong supporter of incorporating our Catholic faith in all aspects of life, she herself attended Catholic schools throughout her mid school and high school years in Iowa and California and her children were educated in Albuquerque Catholic schools and in homeschool. In her spare time, she loves to garden, raise chickens, and spend time with her family and husband of 35 years, who recently retired from Sandia National Laboratories.

Brennan Hamman -
Brennan Hamman graduated from Benedictine College, in Atchison Kansas. He has a passion for the humanities and for early Medieval, including that of the early Catholic Church. Brennan looks forward to telling the epic stories from works like Saint Augustine’s Confessions and Cicero’s Catilinarian Orations (Cicero’s works helped kickstart the Renaissance) in the original language, so that students can understand the meaning of the work in the language and context those works were written. Besides teaching these subjects, Brennan also enjoys reading historical and fantasy fiction, as well as academic debate.

Paul Krause -
Literature & Philosophy
Paul Krause is a graduate of Yale and the editor-in-chief of VoegelinView, an online journal of the humanities. He is the author several books on literature, and excited to teach the love of literature and philosophy to students. A frequent writer on the arts and humanities for numerous magazines, journals, and newspapers around the world, he focuses on explaining the themes of love, forgiveness, and beauty in art, literature, and music.

Dominic Gomez -
Dominic Gomez is a Mathematics Teacher at Chesterton Academy, based in his hometown of Albuquerque. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics with a Minor in Computer Science from Eastern New Mexico University. Dominic is proud to be a graduate of Eldorado High School and currently resides in Albuquerque with his spouse and two children. His passions include logic, mathematics, board games, random trivia, and storytelling. Dominic is deeply committed to nurturing a love for problem-solving and critical thinking among his students, providing them with engaging classroom experiences.

Amylee Udell -
Mrs. Udell grew up around the world as a military brat and received her BA from Christian Brothers University, a Lasallian institution in Memphis, TN. She moved to Albuquerque to join the Canossian Lay Missionary program and then "settled down" here. She's taught many different classes at Catholic homeschool co-ops, developed educational programming for adults on a variety of topics, was a one-on-one ESL teacher for native mandarin speakers and assisted catechism of teens while leader of a local youth group. Mrs. Udell is NOT crafty and enjoys boba tea (taro flavor, quarter sweet, light on the boba, please).

Alexandra Shenson-Collins -
Alexandra Shenson-Collins graduated from St. John’s College in Santa Fe with a B.A. in Liberal Arts. She is currently pursuing her M.S. in Chemistry through Ohio University. Three of her undergraduate years were spent as the head laboratory teaching assistant for St. John’s biology, chemistry, and quantum mechanics laboratory tutorials. Her classical education and experience at St. John’s motivated her to continue passing down the tradition of a liberal science education that integrates science, mathematics, history, religion, and philosophy.
We are looking for talented Faculty!
Chesterton Academy of Albuquerque seeks to hire talented and dynamic faculty dedicated to the vision and mission of our school. Each faculty and staff member will be required to take an Oath of Fidelity to the Magisterium at the Mass of the Holy Spirit at the beginning of the academic year. In addition to teaching responsibilities, faculty at Chesterton Academy of Albuquerque will participate in the House System, which is designed to promote character and virtue.
If you are interested in working with us and bringing souls to Christ, please send your resume to:

Our Board
Board of Directors
Matthew Brito
Steve Garcia
Richard Gutierrez
Warren Roberson
Joseph Ryan
Andrew Sanchez
Stephen Teeters